Create WooCommerce Orders Programmatically

To create WooCommerce orders programmatically in WordPress, you can use the `wc_create_order()` function provided by WooCommerce. This function allows you to create orders and add products to them. Make sure you have WooCommerce installed and activated in your WordPress environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

**Step 1: Set up WordPress and WooCommerce**
Ensure that you have a WordPress website set up with the WooCommerce plugin installed and activated. You can download WooCommerce from the WordPress plugin repository or install it directly from your WordPress dashboard.

**Step 2: Create a Custom Plugin or Functions.php**
To keep things organized, it’s best to create a custom plugin for adding custom code. Alternatively, you can add the code to your theme’s functions.php file.

**Step 3: Create the Order Creation Function**
Start by defining a function to create the WooCommerce order programmatically. This function will handle all the steps required to create an order, including adding products, fees, shipping, coupons, customer information, payment method, and assigning an order status.

// In your custom plugin or functions.php
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // Your code for order creation will go here


**Step 4: Add Order Items and Products**
In this step, you’ll add the order items and products to the order. WooCommerce orders can have multiple products, and each product is represented as an order item.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    $order = wc_create_order();

    // Add products to the order
    $products = array(
            'product_id' => 1,
            'quantity'   => 2,
            'product_id' => 2,
            'quantity'   => 1,

    foreach ($products as $product) {
        $product_id = $product['product_id'];
        $quantity = $product['quantity'];
        // Add code to create order item for each product

    // Other steps will be added in subsequent sections


**Step 5: Add Fee**
If you want to add additional fees to the order, you can do that using the `WC_Order_Item_Fee` class.


// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Add fees to the order (optional)
    $fee = new WC_Order_Item_Fee();
        'name'      => 'Additional Fee',
        'amount'    => 10.00,
        'tax_class' => '', // You can set a tax class if applicable

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 6: Add Shipping**
If you want to add shipping to the order, you can use the `WC_Order_Item_Shipping` class.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Add shipping to the order (optional)
    $shipping_method_id = 'flat_rate:1'; // Change to your shipping method ID
    $shipping_item = new WC_Order_Item_Shipping();
    $shipping_item->set_method_title('Flat Rate'); // Shipping method title
    $shipping_item->set_total(5.00); // Shipping cost

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 7: Add Coupons**
If you want to apply coupons to the order, you can use the `apply_coupon()` method.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Add coupons to the order (optional)
    $coupon_code = 'SUMMER2023'; // Replace with your coupon code
    $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_code);

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 8: Add Billing and Shipping Addresses**
You can add billing and shipping addresses to the order using the `set_address()` method.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Customer details
    $customer_data = array(
        'first_name' => 'John',
        'last_name'  => 'Doe',
        'email'      => '',

    $order->set_customer_id(0); // Set customer as guest (0) or use a registered user ID
    $order->set_address($customer_data, 'billing');
    $order->set_address($customer_data, 'shipping');

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 9: Add Customer Information**
You can set customer information for the order using the `set_customer_id()` and `set_address()` methods.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Customer details
    $customer_data = array(
        'first_name' => 'John',
        'last_name'  => 'Doe',
        'email'      => '',

    $customer_id = 0; // Set customer as guest (0) or use a registered user ID
    $order->set_address($customer_data, 'billing');
    $order->set_address($customer_data, 'shipping');

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 10: Add Payment Method**
You can set the payment method for the order using the `set_payment_method()` method.


// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Add payment method (optional)
    $payment_method = 'bacs'; // Bank transfer payment method

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 11: Assign an Order Status**
You can set the order status using the `set_status()` method.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Assign an order status (optional)
    $order_status = 'processing'; // Change to the desired order status

    // ... remaining code ...


**Step 12: Save the Order**
After completing all the steps, save the order using the `save()` method.

// In create_woocommerce_order() function
function create_woocommerce_order() {
    // ... previous code ...

    // Save the order

    return $order->get_id(); // Return the order ID for reference if needed


**Step 13: Trigger Order Creation**
Finally, trigger the order creation function when needed. For example, you can create a button or a custom endpoint to call the `create_woocommerce_order()` function.

// In your custom plugin or functions.php
function create_woocommerce_order_endpoint() {
    // Add code to redirect or display a success message
add_action('init', 'create_woocommerce_order_endpoint');


With these steps, you now have a complete guide to programmatically create WooCommerce orders with all the specified functionalities. Remember to customize the function according to your specific requirements, handle error checking, and validate user input to ensure a smooth experience for your customers. Happy coding!

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