How to retrieve the values of an Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

To retrieve the values of an Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) repeater field using the `have_rows()` function and the `the_row()` function in WordPress, follow these steps:

Assuming you have a repeater field named “my_repeater_field” with subfields “sub_field_1” and “sub_field_2” attached to a post, you can retrieve the values as follows:

// Check if the repeater field has rows
if (have_rows('my_repeater_field')) {

    // Loop through each repeater row
    while (have_rows('my_repeater_field')) {

        // Get the subfield values for the current row
        $sub_field_1_value = get_sub_field('sub_field_1');
        $sub_field_2_value = get_sub_field('sub_field_2');

        // Do something with the subfield values
        echo 'Subfield 1: ' . $sub_field_1_value . '<br>';
        echo 'Subfield 2: ' . $sub_field_2_value . '<br>';


In the above code, we use `have_rows(‘my_repeater_field’)` to check if the repeater field “my_repeater_field” has any rows. If it does, we enter the loop and use `the_row()` to set up the current row for accessing the subfield values.

Inside the loop, we use `get_sub_field(‘sub_field_1’)` and `get_sub_field(‘sub_field_2’)` to retrieve the values of the subfields “sub_field_1” and “sub_field_2” for the current row, respectively.

This method allows you to iterate through each row of the repeater field and access the values of its subfields. Make sure you have the Advanced Custom Fields plugin installed and the repeater field set up correctly before using `have_rows()` and `the_row()` functions.

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